Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Savvy Shopper : Pickles!

Perhaps pickles are not the most common item on your shopping list, but I was surprised to find out that some pickle varieties equal unnecessary points! When looking at the label, it seems harmless enough - low calories + no fat = a Weight Watchers win!

In general, pickles are a safe bet as an add-on to a sandwich or burger, but it depends on the kind and, of course, the quantity. For example, adding just 1 Bread & Butter Stacker to your sandwich puts on 1 extra point which might be worth it for the taste. But what about adding 3? That's 2 extra points right off the bat - leaving less room in your daily allowance for, you guessed it, wine!

Peter Piper's Notes on Pickles:
1. The serving size for all "spear" varieties is 3/4 of a spear. Who eats 3/4 of a pickle spear?!
2. All "dill" varieties are your friend - bread & butter, your foe.
3. Vlassic owns the pickle shelf space in the local Safeway stores - perhaps it's time for a little friendly competition?

Serving Sizes:
Stackers = 1
Chips = 2
Snack-ems = 2
Spears = 3/4 spear

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